15 Nov 2024

This week I’ve been talking a lot about Cards Against Procrastination. One of the common questions people ask me is ‘Why?’ have you created the cards. There are many options to answer this but this week I have hit upon the simplest and most resonant answer:

Self compassion.

In a world where the Be Kind mantra is shouted about there is little talk about being kind to oneself first. You cannot be kind or compassionate to another being if you are not firstly kind and compassionate to yourself.

This sounds such a simple equation, but the reality is few of us have genuine compassion for ourselves. For me this became clear in my own actions and as I made changes to live a more compassionate life I also realised I was not the only person lacking self compassion.

In fact, the majority of people I worked with for study skills and wellbeing had a negative inner voice. Despite trying new tools for prodcutivity the negative inner voice took a lot of energy to over come. Energy that could be better used helping rather than hindering ourselves.

So if being your own bigegst cheerleader is your goal (and it should be!) then Cards Against Procrastination AND the new Cards for Self Care are both here for you. Self compassion is the Be Kind, and it actually works.