26 Jan 2025
Positive Procrastination

I know this is a bold statement but a One Minute Paper (OMP) really can change your life.

A OMP is a really useful teaching device that lets a lecturer see how students have understood (or not!) a lesson. Usually used at the end of a lesson the lecturer will ask students to record their own answers to the following 3 questions, ideally in one minute. Different versions of the questions are around but the easiest way to use them for yourself to use these questions:

  1. What was the main thing your learnt in this session?
  2. What is the one thing you feel you need to know after this session?
  3. Where can you find that information?

These are similar to The Rule of 4 but are bit more flexible and can be used for any teaching or meeting. A4 note pads with the OMP template on will be available soon!